How To Remove Black Pores ؟

 Black Pores

How To Remove Black Pores From Your Skin?

Many of us suffer from the black pores,and we have tried many things to get rid of them because black 
Make us feel bad when we look in the mirror and find them in our skin I have searched about removing black  pores from the skin and found some information and want to share them hoping that it may help you to say bye bye the those tiny little black pores from 
your skin 
The manual method
This method is the best way to remove Black Pores but before starting this way skin must be treated with a special cream to find the clogged pores, then we have to soften Black Pores after a massage with  special devices.
and then we remove Black Pores by pressing on  both sides of pores using the index finger of each hand.
Nails must be short and we have to wrap a piece 
of  wet cotton on both fingers
How To Remove Black Pores From Your Skin
Stay Healthy
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