What Are Carcinogens

Carcinogens,.. cancer formation mechanisms and conditions.
How to care about cancer Cancer formation mechanisms and conditions. DNA and the story of genes: Since our DNA has our genes code, it's responsible for making all cells in human body. When DNA is healthy it will work just fine. However, sometimes damage to cells my takes place due to certain factors such as food , irradiation or other environmental agents. Since DNA is a loyal copying machine for our cells and the associated genes, it will replicate just what it has, which is in

this case more faulty cells. Here are the good news! Our immune system is well qualified to clean out ill or damaged cells. That is the great secret of our creation. So why to worry and how come many people get this serious killer? The fact is that we hurt our immune system by loading our body with various toxins such as polluted air, unsuitable water, alcohols, caffeine, pesticides, manufactured foods, etc. There is even more than that, stress and negative thinking are other sources that weaken our natural immune system. I will now give you the proof ; when you get a flue, you will notice that your body becomes weak, you lose your desire to eat or to do anything, you will probably just think about sleeping all the time. That is all you want to do. There is a battle which is being fought by your body against the flue microbe! The majority of your energy is being used to win that battle. Your body has no energy for other activities, only fighting the battle inside! That is exactly what we are talking about with regard to a weak immune system. Let us now summarize the story: There are toxins ( and probably carcinogens) everywhere in our daily life (food, environment, etc.). Those bad guys are inevitable (remember there is no pure way of life nowadays!) We are exposed to the danger 24 hrs. Our immune system, which fights all diseases is equipped to fight those dangers. Some times we weaken our immune system and expose ourselves to danger. Therefore, we have the choice to protect our self against the danger. Let us now move to the common sources of carcinogens? To put it in a simple way, there are three categories: FOOD: this includes everything that we force to our body, such as: SMOKING, FRIED FOODS, BURNED FOODS, NITRATES, HEAVY METALS IN SOME SEA FOODS SUCH AS MERCURY, CADMIUM, LEAD AND ARSENIC, NITRITES AND PESTICIDES) ENVIRONMENT: this includes everything that comes to our body even without our permission such as: SUN (ULTRAVIOLET AND RADON IRRADIATION), ASBESTOS, CHLORINE, FLUORIDES). STRESSES. That is also something we can control most of the time. So, are all those potential criminals? Yes in fact they are all potential suspects, but they can be innocent as well! Next time we will talk more into the three factors and what we can do about all that. Have a healthy life
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