Pathogenic Escherichia coli, Everything about it

Pathogenic EschEverything about pathogenic Escherichia colierichia coli is a common resident of the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals. For many years, the organism was thought to be harmless but was used as a marker organism to provide evidence of the non sanitary handling of food and equipment.
Later it was recognized that some strains of E. coli cause enteric disease. In fact, pathogenic strains of E. coli are now thought to be prime offenders in travelers' diarrhea and gastrointestinal illness in developing nations and other areas with poor sanitary conditions.

First pathogenic Escherichia coli outbreaks

The first recognized U.S outbreak was traced to the consumption of soft fermented cheeses. The next series of outbreaks in this country was in 1982. In the first half of that year, two outbreaks of gastroenteritis, characterized by the sudden onset of severe abdominal cramps and grossly bloody diarrhea, occurred in Oregon and Michigan.
Both outbreaks were linked with ground beef sandwiches from chain restaurants. A third outbreak that year involved 31 residents in a home for the aged. Food was the only common factor.

Pathogenic Escherichia coli and Brie cheese

In 1983, gastrointestinal illness in several states and in Europe was attributed to pathogenic E.coli from imported Brie cheese. All the 1983 outbreaks were tied to soft cheese from the same factory in France. In Canada, hamburgers were the source of hemorrhagic colitis in 125 persons in 1984.

Pathogenic Escherichia coli Sources

Food vehicles include raw ground beef, perhaps chicken, and some imported soft cheeses.
The incidence of contamination of ground meat with this organism is under 4%, but the concern is great because of the severity of the illness.
Some strains can survive long periods of frozen storage but are very sensitive to thermal inactivation. Frozen precooked beef patties have been identified as a source of Pathogenic Escherichia coli.
Sanitary food handling is essential to minimize infection by this organism, as the human gut is the only source of certain strains.
The animal's gut is the only source of meat contamination. Even under the best slaughter conditions, animal carcasses may regularly be contaminated with E. coli from the animal's bowel. If the organism happens to be a pathogenic strain, it may cause an outbreak.
Person to person transmission in day care centers has also been documented .
Codes of good manufacturing practice that have been set down for the U.S food industry are useful in preventing contamination by this microorganism, since some strains can grow at refrigerator temperatures and some may have picked up antibiotic resistance.
Adequate cooking is the other way to avoid this infection. As with all raw meat products, it is crucial to avoid cross-contamination from cutting boards and equipment.


The symptoms of this food-borne disease (Pathogenic Escherichia coli) vary significantly depending on the strain . Four types of Pathogenic Escherichia coli have been identified.
1) Enteropathogenic strains cause the sudden onset of severe abdominal cramps, followed by the develpment of a watery, then bloody diarrhea.
2) Entropathogenic strains produce toxins that cause mild to severe diarrhea with profound dehydration and sock without fever; both heat-labile and heat-stable toxins have been found.
3) Enterotoinvasive strains penetrate the epithelium and cause fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, abdominal cramps, and profuse watery diarrhea.
4) Colohemorrhageic strains cause changes in the colon similar to those of colitis. Verocytotoxin is thought to be the causative agent that results frank bloody diarrhea and severe abdominal pain . Vomiting may occur , but fever is rarely seen. The syndrome usually last 7 days in adults and somewhat longer in children . However, the toxin can create a life-threatening situation.
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